an exploration of American democracy
for information about
[the letter r]_at_ artistascitizen/////org
where /////denotes .
We are a 501c3 nonprofit, actively seeking collaborators and foundation support.
staff, credits and advisors:
(highlighted names have biographical links)
director of research:
design team: Local Projects
technical advisors:
Michael Weiksner [], Dan O'Sullivan [NYU ITP] is an initiative started by Richard Reiss
project coordinators:
development consultant:
Linton Weber
journalism advisor:
media advisors:
Alan Oxman, Elyse Roth, John Drimmer, Charles Traub
photoblog advisors:
additional thanks to:
Lynn Weitzman, Marla Gitterman,
Sharon Her, Sharon Hughes, Tim Goodwin
Manisha Shah, Justin Kron, Molly McGrath, Laura Rubenstein
Tarikh Korula, Brian Efird, Claudia Preparata, Alon Koppel
legal services: Proskauer Rose, LLP